Sunday 15 August 2010

The First But Most Certainly Not The Last

Okay, so this is my first attempt at blogging. I only had a look around this at first just to see what all the fuss is about, I was told by one of my best mates Emma to create one as it can be quite therapeutic I'll give you all a link to her blog as soon as I get to grips with this thing. I thought the idea of being able to vent all of your fustrations in somewhat of a "private" setting to be a useful tool.

Okay so firstly my life is good by definition but underneath the laughs and the smiles things arn't always what they seem. This last year has been a real whirlwind, since January 1st 2010 I've met more people than i could have ever thought, came out to my parents as Bi, left my beautiful college KGV in Southport and found someone who really makes me happy. You're thinking this guys just said his life isn't all smiles and laughs their is a catch, their's always a catch. The person who makes me "whole" as cheesy as that sounds is straight which kind of throws a spanner in the works really.
I first met him in college I was with my best friends in the whole wide world, without them I seriously don't know what I'd do without them. He was with another group of people one of which was a neighbour of one of the girls in my group, this would be the first step in getting to know him. Few days past in college and I'd been able to get to know people in both sets of groups. Their group was very different compared to mine in ours we were happy laughing taking the mick out of each other theirs was too serious, something my fish brain couldn't handle. When I first started talking to him he was very blunt and not very talk-a-tive at all. Me being me was very persistant and he slowly started opening up, by the end of the first year he was already a huge part in my life. I'd helped him to get through some problems of his own and helped him to focus his attention on the places were it was needed (his college work).

To me this was perfect we we're such close friends, we got talking more on the ussual Msn, Facebook and via phone. Then he came out with a sentence that I'll always remember, "you've really changed my view on everything, you've showed me that like being gay/bi isn't wrong it's as natural as a guy liking a girl." It's hard not to be moved by something like that. Since then our friendship on a whole has gone from strength to strength he's such a big part of my life. I'm currently sorting out the plans on moving in with him for the week to house-sit and a holiday to somewhere in Britain. I know what you're thinking this sounds dodgy...yeah try living it. I don't know where I stand with him that's part of the liking though, never knowing where you are. At least I have people who I know I can fall back on people who are reliable like Emma if the holiday goes to pot with "X" then I have London to look forward to with her.

I applogise for anyone who is on the verge of just diying, I just thought i'd try and give you an insight into my current feelings. As you can tell it's mostly motivated by him at the moment, I'm currently waiting to talk to one of my closest friends Emma as she's coming home from a pritty amazing night with her sister and mother which will be on her blog any day now! I'm really looking forward to being able to just vent now. I think that writing things down helps you to sort it all out than things busting around in your head.

Til the next time.

(8)I don't want to make another mistake like you, I don't want to hate that love doesn't get me through.(8)